November 28, 2009

Christmas Kick-off

Christmas Kick-off happens at the Loveless home on the Friday after Thanksgiving. We used to go with my mom's side of the family down town to stay at the Marriott where we would watch the lights turn on at temple square. But now that all my mom's sisters have grand kids our family has grown too large to maintain that tradition. Too bad, it was a fun one. Instead we get together for an afternoon movie and dinner.

Last night, after seeing The Christmas Carol and eating at Chuck-a-Rama, we went to my mom's house where her grand kids hunted for their hidden Christmas PJ's. The kids loved it and the adults loved watching, and I loved seeing Madelyn and her little cousins in twiner PJ's. It reminds me of palling around with my cousins while growing up. A girls gotta have her cousins...

...little cousins and big cousins too. Maci is one of Madelyn's "big" cousins and she takes such good care of her. Maci can be adamant that she knows what Madelyn needs and that she be taken care of a certain way. I commented to her mom, Carrie, that Maci was just like her and she replied, "Maci is me on steroids". So true, So true.

And let us not forget these cute boy cousins in their Christmas PJ's too.

And let us also not forget all the cousins who couldn't make it to the Christmas kick-off do to the fact that they live in Ohio and Logan (Bryn lives in Logan and is having a baby any day. so she wasn't up for making the trip). Don't worry, grandma has PJ's for you too.

So, now that we have officially kicked-off Christmas, LET THE FESTIVITIES BEGIN!

November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

It was a great thanksgiving at the Stephenson house. I loved waking up to Spencer (usually he leaves for work before Madelyn and I even wake up) and my little Madelyn. We spent the morning making stuffing and pecan pies while watching the Macy's Day Parade. It was great just being with my little family.
lunch was served at Spencer's house. We had the traditional turkey and everything that goes with it. We were sad that Christina and her two little boys couldn't make it. They got so sick at the last minute and so Madelyn didn't have any little friends to play with. We hope they get better though.
There was a lot of food and I'm still full. Spencer just went to get me a tums. I think I ate too much.

In the below picture Madelyn is clapping for Grandpa Stephenson who was making funny faces at her.

November 13, 2009

Everyday Life

Spence got this footage of Madelyn "brushing her teeth" the other night. I got a kick out of it. She does such a good job at moving that toothbrush all around. What a big girl we have.