December 7, 2008

Stephenson's Snowshoeing

Snowshoeing is a Stephenson favorite past time. The first time that Spencer and I went Snowshoeing was in High School, pre-Stephenson establishment. We went up past the Alta Ski resort with Mark, John, Tyler, I think Scotty and some other "Draper Boys". Most (if not all) of my time was spent hiking and talking with Spence. I didn't know it, but Spence had a little crush on me, and all his friends were watching to see if he was going to "try something." He didn't. (although he told me he spent most of the afternoon trying to work up the courage) It is one of my fondest memories of the "early" days with my husband. We laugh when we talk about it now.

After we got married we bought an incredibly "tough" tent and had to try it out in the dead of winter. Spence, Russ (Spence's younger brother) and I, snowshoed with packs up Bell's Canyon where we spent the night and enjoyed the best dehydrated dinner we have ever had. It was a lasagna meal from REI. We still talk about how good it was. I slept between Spence and Russ so that I would stay warm and had the worst night's sleep I have ever had. We have a two man tent, not a "two man, one small woman and a ton of winter gear" tent. Needless to say, I was a little squished, but very warm. When we woke up the next morning we were toasty warm, in spite of the layer of ice that had formed on our sleeping bags and on the inside of the tent. This is one of the fondest memories I have of the married days with my husband.

The winter season is upon us once again, and we are looking forward to spending time in the mountains.
We even have a pack to carry Madelyn (Thanks mom) and she has a pink little snow suit that makes her look like a baby pink "Stay Puff Marshmallow Man." Though we don't know if snowshoeing is really a great activity for a 5 month old, we might just try it once she can sit up in her child carrier. Until then we will be relying on the charitable service of Grandma and Grandpa to spend some one on one time with little Madelyn while mom and dad spend some one and one time with the mountains.

And speaking of snowshoeing, Didn't JC and Katrina go snowshoeing together on their first date? I know JC proposed to Katrina one night when they were out snowshoeing, and I know that Mallery was impressed with Greg Carling because he took her snowshoeing for one of their first dates. That has to be a good sign, right?

So here's to you winter. We're ready for ya. Thanks for all the fond memories.

December 1, 2008

My Quirky Husband Spencer

I can thank Dani for this great opportunity to reveal some of the quirky habits of my husband. Thanks for the tag Dani.

I am supposed to name five quirks and then tag five people. Here we go.

1. Spence says that he detests any kind of dancing. He would avoid dancing at high school dances and would NEVER take a dance class in college. I can't find the words to describe his serious dislike of dancing. (Don't get me wrong, he likes to watch other people dance, but he would rather die than have to dance himself. Of course he made an exception for dancing at our wedding). But get this, in the privacy of our home, Spencer is starting to break out of his shell. Every once in a while he will do a little dance. (I have been working with him. I love to dance. Mostly just "busting a move" type of dancing. He seems to be making good progress.) I have caught him dancing while doing the dishes, and the other day he danced Madelyn around the living room.

2. Spencer really likes a good drink. His favorite drinks probably come from Jamba Juice, but Sonic can put out a really good slush. And then there is the Roxberry that was just put in by our house. They make a good drink too. We have taste tested every raspberry lemonade at every resturant we have been to. Spencer's favorite can be found at the Pizza Factory. At home I like to keep gatorade or other sports drinks on hand because he likes those. If he is drinking water he really likes is to be icy cold, and I kid you not, last night he pulled out his water filter and filtered some tap water to see if he could get it to taste better (We don't have spring water, but it doesn't taste bad). Thats my husband, "the drink lover".

3. He doesn't like to wear shoes. He likes sandals. He says that shoes are foot prison. He owns a couple pairs of flips and a couple pairs of Chacos. Too bad he has to wear shoes to work.

4. Spence and I will read in bed before we fall asleep and sometimes without noticing he will shake his foot in a continuous motion. This causes the entire bed to shake. He doesn't notice he is doing it until I tell him. He has even done it in his sleep.

5. Last but certainly not least, Spencer has an amazing ability to become the favorite of any child that he comes in contact with. I watch and listen to him when he is playing with our nieces and nephews and am continuously amazed that he has endless energy and an endless supply of jokes and creativity to make them giggle.

Let's see, I would love to know what quirky things Ty, Cort, Kerry, Adam, Nathan and my dad are doing these days. So I tag Meghan, Shannon, Bryn, Jessica, Christina and my mom. Have fun!!