The holidays are over. I am sad that I didn't get a chance to post pictures. (Posting Christmas pictures now is tempting, but I think it is a little late.) The holidays were fantastic to say the least.
We are back in our routine. Spencer goes to work, I feed "M", change her diaper, put her down for naps and try hard to get her to laugh. When Spence gets home from work he also tries hard to get her to laugh. We succeed if she is not tired. (I will have to post some of the footage of her laughing. It really is one of my favorite things in the world. We have gone to extreme lengths to get a good hearty laugh out of our little girl. I would tell you our tricks, but it is just too embarrassing.)
I took the following picture of her the other morning. I wanted a picture of her in these cow PJs. You know how you just have favorite outfits that your kids wear? These cow jammies are my favorite jammies so far. Take a look.

Now tell me those aren't cute.
Yes, our little girls is still the squishiest squisher, and very proportionate. She was in the mid 90th percentile on all her measurements at her 2 month appointment and hasn't disappointed us yet.
As you can see, she is sitting up. She rolls over and can rock on her knees. She has started eating solid foods, which is going really well.
For some reason I find tremendous joy in feeding my daughter her vegetables. I guess it makes me feel like I am helping her to be "strong and healthy". I get so proud every time she finishes a jar of green beans or sweet potatoes. Oh the simple joys of motherhood.
Now, if we could just get her to sleep through the night.