Yesterday Spence made us some delicious Macaroons that we took to dinner at my parents house. Oh yes, he is "the new best cookie maker of the family." My mom wanted the recipe so I thought I would just post it for all to have.

4 large egg whites
3 C. Sweetened coconut
1/4 C. sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
1/4 flour
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
mix all ingredients on the stove at a low heat for 6-8 min, stirring constantly to make sure it does not stick. When the mixture becomes the consistency of thick oatmeal remove from the heat.
Place spoonfuls of the mixture in rocky piles on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 12-13 minutes until golden brown. Remove from oven and leave to cool completely on the baking sheet.
Tho outside of the cookie is caramely and chewy while the inside of the cookie is nice and soft. They are really good. Enjoy!
You're just great, Melynn! Well, I copied and pasted "Spence's Macaroons" into my 'Recipes I've Eaten' folder and what should be right there but "Spence's Creme Brulee"!
You done good marrying such a good cook into the family :). Makes life real sweet (pun intended).
Do you realize how lucky you are that your husband makes yummy things like that? They look delish!
yummers. i love me some macaroons!
Hey Melynn! Your are so lucky your hubby makes cookies! And the fact that they turned out so great is even better! I'll have to try the recipe. It looks yummy! As for Madelyn being a daddy's girl. My daughter is so a daddy's girl, and I love it! There is just something so special about seeing your husband with your daughter. Hope things are going well for you! You'll have to tell your sister I said hi!
I just wish I hadn't looked at your blog today. I love macaroons. I may have to make these.
Those look delish! And speaking of cookies, can I have that sour cream sugar cookie recipe that turns out every time? I have a good recipe, but it doesn't turn out every time...I'm still on a crusade to find my favorite sugar cookie recipe. Also, I can't believe how big Madelyn is getting! She's so cute. I swear yesterday was her blessing. I love the babysitting tactic. I don't know about you, but I always find that dads add lots of flair to childcare. Me? Not so creative and not nearly as fun.
Yummy! I've wanted a recipe for these. Thanks!!
Congrats on the title Spence! Thanks for posting the recipe Melynn, I'll have to try them!
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