April 29, 2009

One Step

It was just one, and it was small, but it was significant because it was her first. Yes, Madelyn took her first step today.

I understand if you are not all that excited, but you know how a first time mom can be. Humor me. It was pretty fun to see her standing there tottering back and forth and instead of falling over she took a step and then lowered herself to the floor. So fun to see her learn.


BAWC said...

hooray for madelyn! how exciting.

ty and megs said...

that IS exciting!! she'll be terrorizing the house before you now it! :)

RussNatEvans said...

Well I think that's exciting! But I'm a first time mom too. Whit just rolled over for the first time today! Gotta love these new steps in life!!

Scarlett said...

So fun! Those baby steps are the cutest ever!

Linds said...

I am confused about the recipe thing. You want my favorite recipe? yay for Maddie! has she taken anymore steps?