December 22, 2009

December to Remember

We've had a fun December.
Madelyn wore her Christmas outfit to church last Sunday. So fun seeing her all dressed up.We took a trip down to temple square. We made Caramels. Madelyn got to stand in the kitchen sink and eat all the caramel she wanted while I finished wrapping each piece.
Oh, and Madelyn thinks she needs to wear deodorant. Really she is tall enough now to open and reach into every drawer in our house. She couldn't see what she was reaching for, but when she pulled out the deodorant from the top drawer in the bathroom she knew exactly where it went. I guess she really is watching and learning from us.

December 18, 2009


Yesterday was my birthday. I'm now 28. I guess the reason I'm blogging about this is because I feel really good about being 28. I have accomplished some good things in my life. I may not have accomplished as much as I could have, but I'm happy with what I have done and where I'm going. I'm happy to be a mother to Madelyn and a wife to Spencer. I'm pretty content.
while I was laying in bed last night I thought about some of the life lessons that I have learned. I thought of a couple last night, but decided it would be appropriate to think of at least 28 since that is my age as of yesterday. Here it goes:
1. Being kind is an easy way to make your life go smoothly
2. Being honest with yourself and others is another way to make your life go smoothly
3. Getting angry only makes things worse
4. Keeping a journal is worth while
5. Being a good mom is something that one gets better at with time
6. We shouldn't be too hard on ourselves
7. Not all things worth doing are worth doing well
8. Life is more rewarding if you do learn to do some things well
9. Having good relationships with friends and family is better than being rich (not that I was ever rich)
10. There is always room to be better and there is always the possibility of it
11. We don't have to be perfect all in one day
12. Marrying the right person has made all the difference in my married life
13. I don't think I would be as content with my life if I wasn't married to Spencer
14. Ice cream is really really delicious
15. Taking time to relax is important and gratifying
16. Working hard is also rewarding and gratifying
17. Being perfect has more to do with being balanced than it does with fulfilling a check list
18. Its great to be able to look up to someone else and not feel like you have to be just like them
19. Truly listening to someone can be hard, but very rewarding
20. God and Jesus Christ really do live
21. There really is a Plan of Salvation
22. Not everyone believes items #21 and #20 and we should respect that
23. This life is going to go fast
24. My friends from high school will always be in my life and I'm grateful for that
25. Life is not always what you expect it to be
26. It is good to learn to be happy
27. I don't have all the talents that other people have and its OK to be OK with that
28. I have only learned 27 things in my life because I can't think of anymore