January 29, 2008


Hey everyone!! I just have to say that I love this blogging stuff. It is so funny to read everyone’s blogs. It is funny for a couple of reasons. Some of your blogs are just down right funny. It also makes me laugh to find out we are all in the same boat together…meaning that a few different times I have been reading your blogs and thinking, “I didn’t know they had the same dilemma that I do, or the same interests, or…whatever”. Also, seeing everyone’s kids has made me so excited to have our own. I can’t believe how cute and creative all you mom’s are. Thanks for sharing! The whole blogging thing has just been great entertainment for me when I have some down time at work.
Let’s see, I have had a few different thoughts on my mind lately. I’ll just start with one. I have actually been thinking about this for the last week or so, after a some what eye opening exercise experience with some of my coworkers last week, where I found out I was incredibly more out of shape than I had realized, I kinda freaked out. I desperately asked Spence to go to the gym with me, and we have gone faithfully for the last TWO DAYS. After reading Annie’s blog and a few of the comments, I was ready to make my own declaration on the subject. I make this declaration to both give and receive support. ( : I don’t need to be in shape for a marathon or anything, but it would be nice to be able to walk up a set of stairs more than one time without getting winded. Since I spent most of the first trimester going to work and then coming home and going to bed I have really missed out on the winter activities (and the fitness that comes with it). Hopefully we will go snow shoeing, or something, this weekend. I sure have missed the great outdoors! Also, I am going to start going to a prenatal yoga class on Wednesday nights. That should be fun…I’ll let you know how it goes. So, my declaration is to eat healthy and exercise…pretty simple. And its not like this is a new declaration, but it is always good to renew it after you have been idle for awhile.
Let me know if any of you are doing anything fun to stay in shape. I know that everyone is busy with life, so let me know if you are able to do anything that fits with your busy schedule.


Linds said...

I do absolutely nothing. Except eat my guts out and spend the next hour wishing I hadn't done that. I will say that I play volleyball one nite a week, but it doesn't help with the winded thing so I don't think it counts. One of these days I'll make it to the rec and go walking or something.

Ginnie said...

Melynn you have the cutest little baby bump I've seen. I wish I looked that cute pregnant. Forget working out, you needs it when you look that good.

Annie said...

I'm so glad you posted this. You're so darling by the way. Your little tummy makes me so happy. You've always been such an inspiration to me as far as fitness and nutrition go. I love that you and Spence are going together. I need to take Mike with me too. You're the best!! Let's keep eachother motivated!

the mama monster said...

good for you! when i was pregnant with ezra i gained alot of weight even though i worked out fairly regularly. with eli i did spinning until i was 7 months. i also ran and swimmed. it really made a difference after i was pregnant in losing the weight. i think you look great with your cute little tummy.

Merilee said...

I agree with everyone else about your cute little tummy! I tried to work out at least three times a week when I was pregnant with Parker. We were living with James' parents and they had an elliptical and a treadmill. I did good until about 7 months, but then I totally slacked. Now I never work out..ugg. I really need to. I am with you on this one!

Katie said...

To see you with a prenant belly is really freaking me out. Little Melynn! Wow!!!!

Shiara said...

How did you like prenatal yoga? I'm going to my first class tonight.... nervous!!! ;)

Also, I have been doing water aerobics!! I'm the only one there that's NOT a senior citizen, but who cares? I'm pregnant! lol It's actually a pretty good exercise and it doesn't make my back too sore. Plus the old men are funny! I think they are only there to goggle at the instructor!