This is Jarin...what a little cutie!
I don't know about you, but I get so excited for Maddi to know her cousins. She had a total of 15, and as of Monday she now has a total of 16 (Christina, Spencer's sister, just had her 2nd baby boy. I hopefully will get some pics soon). I'm really glad that we get to live close to our families.
Jarin and EmmaLee came to visit the other day, and Madelyn absolutely loved it. She loves being in on the action.
Jarin is just like a big brother. He walked in our door and said "Where is Madelyn". Unfortunately she was sleeping, but Jarin was not going to be stopped from seeing her. "Where is her room?" He asked. Fortunately she woke up on her own accord soon after they arrived.
While I was feeding Madelyn he asked "Can I pet him?" Is that not the cutest thing for a little three year old to say?
EmmaLee was a little grabby and wanted to pulled Madelyn over so she could suck on her. It was very cute, but gave Madelyn a scare. Jarin soothed Maddi by saying "It's otay Maddi, it's otay."
We have sheep that live across the street from our house. I really appreciate the fact that these sheep live here because it helps Spencer and I to maintain our status as favorite aunt and uncle. Well, to be honest, I am probably not as favorite as Spencer. If I arrive at anyone of my nieces or nephews homes without Spence, the immediate question is "Where is Spencer?" I don't mind. It makes me really happy that they love him so much.
Hi Spence and Melynn, Maddi is beautiful! So fun to see what you guys are up to. Would you like an invite to our blog?
I love the new picutre of you and Maddie at the top! I loved that stage with Logan. Enjoy her cuddles! Logan stopped at about 3 months, and now I have to hold him while he is sleeping to get any lovin!
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