When I read the last pages of the book, I had chills and I was grateful and was filled with a desire to be way better than I am.
The conditions that the American army lived through in that first year were extreme. If someone had detailed those same conditions to me I would have thought that a person couldn't physically survive, let alone have the energy to fight. Alot of them didn't survive.
When people say, "It was nothing short of the grace of God" that allowed the Americans to survive the massive English army that first year, I believe it. And I think it was also the American's belief that their cause was just that gave them the strength to win. The odds seriously were stacked against the American army from the beginning and so the fact that they won the war makes it that much more inspiring.
This book was just about the first year of the war, but the revolution lasted over 7 years and cost over 25,000 American lives (that was news to me).
It was absolutely humbling to read this book, and makes me wonder if have cultivated the same conviction for freedom and if I am doing what I can to keep us free. I am grateful for the sacrifice of those that came before us.
So, If you want to feel patriotic, read this book. It is a good one.