August 28, 2009

First Time Zoo Goer

It was Madelyn's first time at the Zoo.

The animals were great...

...but the excitement of the day was found at the water feature near the entrance of the Zoo.

She was pretty excited about this ball with water flowing over it.

Madelyn put as much of her body into the water as she could,

which resulted in an outfit change.

We went with the Loveless cousins (the ones in town). I love spending time with these little kiddos.

Love the cotton candy face. Classic.
Do you remember this lion? It was definitely my favorite part of coming to the Zoo when I was little.
So cool, you get to drink out of the lions mouth.

We rode the merry-go-round...

...the train, and played at the playground.

We were sad that Daddy couldn't come. Hopefully next time.

It was a full day and we can't wait to go back.


M. McCune said...

Madelyn is so cute! I love the pics. I like the Lion head too! I've never been to the zoo out there.

Scarlett said...

I LOVE the zoo! We take Kassi there every year on her b-day, and let me tell you, it gets more fun as they get older. Madelyn is adorable!

krista said...

i can't believe how big she is! i love the hogle zoo, especially compared to our zoo here. always a fun time!

ty and megs said...

what fun! i won't show mckinlay the pictures or she be sad she couldn't be there too. :)

kbankids said...

Looks like a ton of fun. Wish we could have been there.Love you guys

Ann Marie said...

i LOVED this post! it took me right back to Lone Peak Elementary field trip memories...that lion drinking fountain is so classic!

madelyn is such a cute little baby!

Ann Marie said...

thanks for the post melynn! tell spence that i have the SAME yoga routine at night! it really is lovely for the back!

Becky said...

Thanks for the fun day, Lynns. It was the best sharing it with Maddi.