March 30, 2010

This morning...

...I started to do the ironing while Madelyn ate her breakfast. It wasn't too long before this little girl had followed me, with her oatmeal, into the laundry room (where I had been standing literally 10 feet away from her). As you can see, she made a little table for herself with the laundry basket.
The other day, while Madelyn was eating her "cakes", or pancakes, I went upstairs to grab something. About 20 seconds after entering my bedroom in walked Madelyn with her plate of syrupy pancakes. She had gotten that plate of pancakes all the way up the stairs. I immediately wondered how much syrup had gotten on the carpet, though I wasn't able to see any (oh well, I guess we'll just get the carpets cleaned at some point).

She follows me everywhere. I must just be a really wonderful mom (that, or she doesn't know any better). What ever the case may be, she is a fun little pal.


Becky said...

Darling. She's growing up - turning into a toddler and not a baby anymore. What a cutie-pie she is.

ty and megs said...

you iron? that alone makes you a wonderful mom!

Merilee said...

She is so cute, and you ARE a wonderful Mom.

Katrina said...

My guess is that it's her wonderful mommy!