We spent last weekend in Southern Utah and got to do some fishing, hiking and lounging at the camp site.
My little nephew, Jarin, is quite the little fisherman for a 3 year old. When he wasn't trying to jab the worm with his pole, he was able to almost cast that worm all the way into the river.
My brother, Matt, knew about a this hike through some narrows. It was perfect for pregnant people and kids. The scenery was really pretty, and I think that the kids thought that it was pretty cool to have rock walls going straight up on both sides of them.
By the end of the hike I, of course, had cankles. Too bad I didn't get a picture. It has made Spence and I laugh to see my ankles swell during this pregnancy; mostly because it has taken us by surprise. I didn't realize that I would swell so much (Do I need to worry about stretch marks on my ankles...he he?). I'm just glad that everything that gets larger and stretched out, during pregnancy, goes back to normal (or pretty close)... right?
Hey Melynn - I got so swollen when i was pregnant! I'm sorry you have to go through that! I actually got more swollen after I had Logan. Maybe it was the IV or all of the meds... I don't know, but it did go down after about 3 weeks. Most things get back to normal. The things that don't are worth giving up for the prize. Being a mom is something I would never give up for a perfect body.
yeah, i am still waiting for things to go back to normal :) and i second the thought from above that i would never give up my little prize to have my body back. the trip looks like fun. seems like you had your hands full though!
Things go back to Normal?! I guess I'm not doing something right. Good luck though. everything probably will go back to normal for you!! You're just that type. Camping was awesome I still owe you some money for it.
Good luck with everything.
Love ya sis!!
how fun! i wish we could have been there. we're going camping this weekend...we wish you guys could all be there too!
i had THE worst cankles! i remember the day my ankles went back to normal. i was so excited i even wrote it down on my calendar. :)
You are a trooper to go camping that far along. I hope you didn't have to sleep on the ground. As for things back to normal, the first time is pretty okay, mostly back to normal. The second takes a lot longer. I'm still just starting to feel myself again. Good luck with those ankles, frozen peas were my best friend during the last part of pregnancy.
I'm so glad you can get a laugh out of your cankles :) That trip looks like so much fun with all of those kiddos! The photo of your nephew examining the worm is precious!
I'm so glad you can get a laugh out of your cankles :) That trip looks like so much fun with all of those kiddos! The photo of your nephew examining the worm is precious!
Well, Lynns, when Becton was six weeks old I weighed 8 pounds less than when I got pregnant-and had skinny ankles. And I bet it's in the genes! You'll look even better than before, if that's possible.
Email me all your pictures-they're so cute. And thanks again for planning our trip-so much fun!
what fun! yeah, it's worth it. and i'm sure you still look darling.
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