What an accomplishment. Those graduation speakers had an amazing ability to make it seem like my husband was one of the 60 people who would save the the world from all of their woes. You can imagine how proud I was.
If you asked me what we have done after work this past week, I would answer, "not homework."
Oh..... the Clyde Building, Spencer's OLD 2nd home
Yay! Congratulations to Spencer! I'm excited to see what comes next!
Congratulations!! Also I must say Melynn, you are seriously the cutest pregnant girl ever!
Way to go, congratulations! Melynn, I agree with Merilee, you are so cute and tiny!
Melynn you look fabulous! Being done with school is such a relief. Tell Spencer congrats from me! Engineering is not for wimps. He should have extra celebrations because he had to do so many long crappy math problems to graduate!
Congrats to Spencer! That has got to be nice to know you are done with homework and studying. You have a cute little belly.
congratulations to both of you!! I know how you must feel! My hubby has been there every step of the way through my hw filled nights and it's been a blessing.
I'm so happy for you both- what ever will you fill your night with now?? :)
Yea! Hooray! Yipee! Yahoo! TaDa! and Congratulations!!! Geoff's graduation was the best day of my life! I am very proud of you Spence. You are such a hard worker and I am glad that you get a little break. I am so excited for your little one that is coming soon.
(Yes, we stalk you.) Congratulations Spence! You are clearly the better man.
Spencer we're so proud of you. What an amazing accomplishment. You're a good man.
Love you.
Congrats, Spencer! Isn't it wonderful to reach that goal? Enjoy your free time...until the baby comes, that is! Love to you and Melynn.
If you see Russ this week please smack him for me. He's spent so much time with my family and some how failed to mention Spencer was getting married to Melynn Loveless. Congrats on the year and a half, the baby and the graduation! I have known the two of you separately and I am sure you're just great together! I envy Spencer's ability to obtain such a hard degree. Good luck with your future endeavors.-Tyler
Wow! Congrats Spencer! That is so exciting for you both. Just in time for your little one. You both look great and Melynn, I wish I looked as good as you when I was pregnant. Congrats again!
Hey you guys, congrats! It was fun to see you at Graduation! Good luck with the baby!
WAHOOO!!! I wish we could have been there to celebrate with you Spence! We are all so proud of you and we love you...even if you guys aren't going to move to Boston.
Melynn--you are the cutest preggers girl ever! Thanks for posting the pics!
Yay Spencer!! Congratulations. Did you decide to specialize in water? Water's great. =)
Melynn! I am so happy I found your blog! (This is Brooke Nielsen btw) It has been forever... Lots of congratulations! Congrats on the baby and Congrats to your hubby! You are a stinking cute pregnant lady!
hooray for graduation! that is such a great feeling. you look darling darling and i'm so exited for you to be a mom.
Way to go Spencer! Do you know where you guys are going next?
You look great, Melynn! My baby is coming right along. The doctor said she was confident I would make my due date, next Thursday! I'll post an updated pic soon! :)
Congratulations!! Melynn, I still can't get over how tiny you are!!
So posting comments I'm super late, but we did get to talk to you that day and we are super proud of you Spence! Congrats again and we love you!
Melynn, you are adorable. Our Caleb was really calm "in utero" and he has kept his sweet and mellow disposition (so far at least!). And a big congratulations to Spencer on being done with school!
Congrats! What a huge accomplishment. I can't wait until I'm to that point.
& Melynn...you look so cute pregnant! ;)
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