May 29, 2008

You Know It's Bad When You're Dreaming About It

You know that something is bad when you start dreaming about it. Last night I dreamed that there was a gas station that was selling gas for $.30/gallon. I can't believe it, my annoyance about gas prices is coming up in my dreams.

When Madelyn gets here I won't have to drive to work anymore, so Spence and I decided that we are going to stop driving altogether. He can ride his bike to work, and I'll just have to go places that are within running or walking distance of our home. (I am not worried about this because i am a great runner... ha ha. So, don't be surprised if I show up with Madelyn, and our running stroller, to say hello. ) We also decided that we are going to stop eating because of the rising food prices.

Oh, but don't worry, I think I found something that is going to solve the gas problem. If you click here, you can learn how to convert your car to run on water, and they only charge you like $150 for this information. Since this is on the internet it must be true. (Please, don't fall for this. I would feel awful if someone actually thought that it was possible to convert their car to run on water, and they actually thought they could get this information for $150, and they actually gave their credit card information to these people. But then, if someone did fall for this, they probably deserve to be scammed. On another note, how do people not get in big trouble for posting websites like this anyway?)

Has anyone considered buying a car like this Honda Civic. It is only $24,000 and runs on natural gas. You just have to pay to have a refueling system installed in your garage, and the relatively expensive repair costs when that time comes. And, if you are on the road and run out of natural gas, don't worry, because this website tells me there are multiple refueling stations in California. (FYI, the cost of a new, gas powered Honda Civic is around $16,000.)

I did receive an e-mail recently that called for everyone to boycott ExxonMobil (the biggest gas distributing company in the US), causing them to lower their prices, and thus forcing a price war. Hmmmmm, Sounded good to me, but then I realized I don't get my gas at any ExxonMobil stations and i never have. Guess I can't help in that way. Dang!

How about everyone writes their local congressman to tell them to allow the US to drill for oil. I promise that in return I will clean up all the litter on the sides of the Utah freeways. (This really is something that I would be willing to do since I don't like seeing the trash on the sides of the freeways. I really should do it even if we don't drill for oil. Does anyone want to join me?)

Well, I wish you all luck managing your budget when half of it has to go to gas. I feel so bad for friends who are having to pay moving costs and traveling costs right now. And honestly, I do not claim to be an expert on why gas prices are rising, who is causing it or what we need to do to fix it (though I do have my opinions). All I know is that I am dreaming about gas prices, and you know it 's bad when you 're dreaming about it.


Merilee said...

AMEN sister! We filled up our tank yesterday and it cost $93.00!!! I was sick to my stomach. I really don't know what everyone is going to do. It is ridiculous.

Jessica said...

Kyle has to fill up his car every 3 days!!! Insane. Gas is over $4 here in Cali and still going up.... At least we don't live in Sweden, it's over $12 a gallon there.

On a happier note, you are almost done being pregnant. That sure went by fast for me :) I hope al goes well with you and your baby.

Linds said...

you are hilarious! And yes i agree. but please don't walk from lehi to orem, i'll come to you!!!1

Terrence and Kestlee said...

I totally agree with you!! I just passed a gas station today that was $4.46 for the cheapest kind! Unbelievable! You and Spence are going to be the most in shape couple!!

kate said...

ha ha ha! funny stuff. actually, sad stuff. we're just about to drive ourselves across the country in a uhaul and it's gonna be painful. grr. but hey, maybe if gas stays this expensive the smart people will have to come up with another cheaper form of fuel? you look so cute i could just spit.

BAWC said...

tag you are it! see my blog for details :)

Tanner said...

I don't drive either because of gas. Who would have thought that rising gas pricies would get us in shape? But now I have to drive because of my dang bike.

Brooke said...

gas is $4.10 here in San Francisco at the CHEAP stations! I am the same though...I walk everywhere and I love it, easy to do living in the city I guess. Madelyn is probably my favorite girl name ever! I love it! Hope you are doing well!

Teacher Mama said...

Topher and I bought a natural gas car. We pay $.63 a gallon for gas. It only has a 6 gallon tank, so we have to fill it up often. It is worth it. We drive it whenever we can. I'm sick too of the rising costs of living.

I'm considering moving back to Fiji. I can walk slowly everywhere I go, pick papaya from trees, fish, and play on the beach.

Anonymous said...

Dreams about gasoline prices! - are you eating too many pickles?
Only a few weeks left - and you'll be parents; can you believe it. Life is moving along well for both of you, learning some of life's lessons, and that's wonderful. BYU graduation and a baby coming soon -congratulations!
Here's a chuckle: a young dad in our ward told us the other day that his jogging stroller cost more than his first car! Things change and yet remain the same.
Enjoy catching up with you once in a while on your blog. Judy and Tony Gundersen (CMM)

Brenna said...

I had a dream the other night about $10 gas... I've been taking the bus to work and I feel so good about it, not to mention I get lots of reading time. I should walk more to run errands, though... Maybe with the nicer weather. Good for you guys for walking/riding to work and errands!

Teacher Mama said...

We only paid 6,000 for the natural gas car, and we got a 2,500 tax credit. There are several fill up stations throughout the valley. The price of the cars has gone up, but gas is so cheap I think it is still worth it to get one.

amb said...

LOL!! You are hilarious! Why haven't I seen you in 2 years?? Hope things are going well, aside from gas price nightmares!

St. Julien's said...

I love it! I haven't dreamed about gas yet but I am thinking about it constantly. I keep saying, every time I fill up our car, " THATS IT!!! We are parking this thing when it runs out of gas and we'll just figure out another way." One of these times I'll do it I swear!!