I just read one of my younger friends blogs. She is in college. Her freshman roommates are going their separate ways which leaves her with some adjusting to do.
I was reminded of my time in college. It was so much fun in so many ways. There were
a lot of freedoms that I had then that I don't have now, but there was an instability in that phase of my life that I didn't recognize until I was out of it. I moved frequently in college. I had many new roommates. The best semesters were when I was living with friends, but that only lasted a semester or two. I went on a mission and came home and felt like there was NO ONE around. I remember feeling lonely. I lived in an old house with three other girls that I didn't know. My friends were married, serving their own missions, living in Salt Lake (I was in Provo) or just busy with other things. Like I said, I really enjoyed college for the most part, but I didn't know what I was missing.
As you know, we recently bought our first home. We could live in this house for a long time, and it seems that
consciously and
subconsciously I recognize this. I have made more friends and been more involved with the ward than I ever was in our most recent ward (that does have a little to do with the fact that I have more time on my hands because I'm not working). I think about how many kids we will have and which rooms they will share.I think about my kids going to elementary, middle and
high school out here. I think about celebrating holidays in our home and about ways that I can make them more meaningful. I think about local politics and what I can do to contribute. It is a good feeling to feel like I am in a place to stay. I will always have my husband as my roommate, and I really look forward to this. I think that eternal marriage is a fantastic part of the Plan of Salvation. Its exciting to think about.
In short, I am putting roots down, and it is a good feeling. I am really loving this phase of my life.