A few days ago I put Madelyn at the table with some saltine crackers. I went upstairs for a few minutes to check something on the computer. when I was finished, I came down to crackers crunched all over the table and floor. The below picture doesn't do it justice. But the little angel helped clean up the mess. I don't mind her messes. She doesn't make that many (the below mess is a rare occurrence), and I love it when she will help me clean up when I ask her to.

We got to go to the aquarium with our cousins. Kylan (in the picture below) is a couple months older than Madelyn. I love these pictures of them together. I want her to be close with her cousins, so I love when we get to do things with them.
And last, but definitely not least are these pictures of daddy and Madelyn. Last Saturday morning Madelyn woke up earlier than usual. I went in to check on her and see if I could get her to go back to sleep. I was rocking her when we both heard her daddy come out of our bedroom. I heard him sit down at the top of the stairs and knew that he was waiting to see if Madelyn would go back to sleep or if he would get to hold her. Madelyn was looking at me as if to say, "So can I go get daddy or what?" I set her down and she went straight to her daddy who was waiting at the top of the stairs. I was happy that the camera was just a few feet away so I could grab this picture. These two love each other a lot.
January 19, 2010
As of Late
As of late Madelyn will sometime insist on reading books herself as opposed to sitting on my lap and being read to. She just wants me to stand by her and replenish her book supply when she is finished with her current stack of books. 
I do my house work in increments of minutes. Yesterday I was trying to sweep and wash the kitchen floor and it took me about three times as long as it would have if I didn't have a little helper who had one hand on the broom while I swept. Per Madelyn's instructions, we would sweep for a few seconds and then sweep the dirt into the dust pan and empty it into the trash...literally every few seconds. After sweeping Madelyn was done cleaning. No washing the floor for her. We then played kitchen and I would sneak away to try to finish washing the floor whenever she wasn't looking, but she would soon catch me and pull me back into the make believe world of plastic food and little plastic utensils.
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Cute! I love Daddy daughter moments, they are priceless!
oh man! melt my heart! i LOVE that spence was hoping to get a few last snugs in and i love how much madelyn obviously adores her daddy. man our kiddos have their dads wrapped around their pinkies, huh? love it.
and good for you melynn! your priorities are so in the right place when you spend the time to let madelyn "help" when you could clean so much faster alone. i get so impatient sometimes. you have motivated me to remember time with my girls is more important than a sparkling floor. not that i have a sparkling floor. . .
i hope i live in utah someday so we can get acquainted again, you are so great.
Just love it!
what a cutie! her and mckinlay are gonna have so much fun! i found an awesome deal on new dress up clothes today and i told her she could have them when madelyn got here in a few days, then she said "and will aunt melynn play dress up with me too!?" i told her you would. but sorry, the new dress ups are gonna fit ya. :)
That story is so cute! My daughter and husband are the same way. She is definately a daddy's girl. I love that she helps you clean up. Good to teach them while they are young! LOL!
I love the pictures will you email them to me. You have the cutest family.
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