Nothing too fancy for Thanksgiving. Just hangin with the fam.
Some of the highlights included the fact that it was Madelyn's first Thanksgiving. Even though "M" couldn't eat the Turkey I think she loved Thanksgiving. (She loves any time when she gets to be surrounded by people who give her TONNNNS of attention, and of course her cousins constantly want to touch her and hold her.)
There weren't too many people at this Thanksgiving feast. We got to spend time with Bryn and Carrie's family, my mom and dad and Tanner.
Matt holding Jackson.... I love this picture of Bryn and Carrie
Tanner holding Kylan... Grandma holding Maddi

My favorite part of this Thanksgiving was the cooking. I got to learn a few new recipes. I made the rolls from the same recipe my mom used every Thanksgiving, and I made this delicious pumpkin cream cheese pie.
Bryn made a fantastic apple sour cream pie (She got the recipe off Meghan's blog. Thanks Meg's). Then there was the traditional Turkey (Which my dad deep fat fried. You would think it would be nasty and greasy, but the skin holds the grease out and you end up with a moist and tender Turkey. Probably the best that I have ever had). The stuffing was not dry, as it sometimes can be, and BEST OF ALL...the yams did not have a layer of nasty marshmallows on top. Thank you Bryn!! (OK, I don't really think that marshmallows are nasty. I just don't think they should be part of a meal. They are candy for crying out loud. they should only be used for things like smores and rice crispy treats.)
.Matt holding Jackson.... I love this picture of Bryn and Carrie

Cambri is ready to eat...but all the kids are playing the Wii

My favorite part of this Thanksgiving was the cooking. I got to learn a few new recipes. I made the rolls from the same recipe my mom used every Thanksgiving, and I made this delicious pumpkin cream cheese pie.
Bryn made a fantastic apple sour cream pie (She got the recipe off Meghan's blog. Thanks Meg's). Then there was the traditional Turkey (Which my dad deep fat fried. You would think it would be nasty and greasy, but the skin holds the grease out and you end up with a moist and tender Turkey. Probably the best that I have ever had). The stuffing was not dry, as it sometimes can be, and BEST OF ALL...the yams did not have a layer of nasty marshmallows on top. Thank you Bryn!! (OK, I don't really think that marshmallows are nasty. I just don't think they should be part of a meal. They are candy for crying out loud. they should only be used for things like smores and rice crispy treats.)

At the end of the day, I was sad to see the holiday go, but on to bigger and better things. Christmas! And you better believe that the tree is up and the hot cocoa is out. But that is another post for another day. Until then, we wish you a happy holiday season.
fun! so sad we missed out on all the fun! but at least we won't miss out on the christmas fun.
see you in a few weeks!!
Cute pics. Your neices and nephews are getting so big. I need to come visit.
It was fun wasn't it. Your rolls turned out wonderful and the pies and dressing really were fantastic. You girls have become such accomplished homemakers. I loved you, Bryn and Carrie doing so much of the baking - what a treat for me - gave me one more thing to be thankful for.
Love ya, Mom
I'm glad you guys had a good Thanksgiving! I love all the pictures!
Thanksgiving was great! we had fun too. will you send me the picures you have. Please
love you guys
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