I really get a kick out of Madelyn and all the random things she says. I love the way she sometimes says things kind of
backwards or out of order in her own Madelyn dialect. I have loved hearing her language change. She used to sing the ABC's with the letter"Q" and "R" as one letter like "
queyaw" but now "R" is its own letter, just with a thick twang that I am not sure how to explain. You'll have to hear it some time.
This morning Madelyn was painting and she got paint on the table. When I came down from getting ready she had the dish towel over the table and said to me, "don't look under the towel." I just now yelled down to her and asked her how she was doing. Her reply was, "don't come down". Of course I went down to find her once yellow paper covered in A LOT of pink paint.
Yesterday she took two pencils and proceeded to go under the kitchen table. She said to me, "don't look under here." She likes to bite the erasers off of pencils.
Also yesterday, she wanted to put on her swimming suit to play in the hose. She asked if she could just wear the swim skirt without the swim suit. I told her no of course and then she asked if she could wear a bra with her skirt. It took me a second to figure out she wanted a bikini top. Ha.
I love how she interacts with little Sawyer. She is such a little mommy who makes sure he is content while playing on his mat by saying "Are you OK bud". Or when he cries she will sooth him by saying, "Its OK, I am hear, I am hear". And then she will give him encouragement when he rolls over or semi sits up by saying in a very high pitched mom voice, "good job buddy, good job!" She will say it multiple times to make sure he catches her enthusiasm.

Sawyer doesn't do anything especially funny these days. He is just cute. Like I said, he rolls around and is working on sitting up. He loves being tickled and we love tickling him.