Thanks to Katie I get to take a fun little walk down memory lane. Remembering high school it actually pretty fun.
1. Did you date someone from your high school?
Oh yeah, I met Spence my Sophomore year of high school at a girls volley ball game, and we ended up getting married just 8 years after that.
2. What kind of car did you drive?
I drove a white T-top Pulsar from the early 90's. I remember Linds and I trying to fly a kite out the top of it. It didn't work out.
3. What was the most embarrassing moment of high school?
Umhh well, I am not sure about that one, but one thing that was very embarrassing was an incident the night of MORP. We were sitting at TGIF all decked out in our 80's garb. Katie did something (the story is too long to tell) that made me laugh so hard that all the water in my mouth went everywhere.
4. Were you a party animal?
Nope, not me. I should have had more fun in high school.
5. Were you considered a flirt?
I would have liked to describe myself as friendly, but if you ask Spencer I think he would say that what I thought was friendly was actually flirting.
6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
7. Were you a nerd?
Again, I would like to think that i wasn't, but I guess it depends on who you ask
8. Were you on any varsity teams?
9. Can you still sing the fight song?
I couldn't sing it in high school. I guess I didn't have enough school pride.
10. Did you get suspended or expelled?
What kind of question is that? Of course I didn't get suspended of expelled.
11. Who was your favorite teacher?
Probably Mr. Ward
12. Where did you sit during lunch?
I don't really remember, but I do remember those cheese rolls that only had like 1,000 grams of fat. I guess that is why I don't way more than I did in high school, i stopped eating the cheese rolls.
13. What was your school's full name?
Alta High School
14. School Mascot?
Alta Hawks
15. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
Sure, I liked high school
16. What do you remember most about graduation?
Katie and I almost got in an accident on the way to graduation, we were late and one of the coaches (who I will not reveal) yelled at us. I still remember the look on his face very vividly. We were in trouble.
17. Where did you go senior skip day?
What is senior skip day?
18. Were you in any clubs?
I was in a bunch of clubs. I will not bore you by telling you about them, though they were a lot of fun.
19. Have you gained some weight since then?
20. Who was your prom date?
What year?
21. Are you planning on going to your ten year reunion?
Of course, I am actually pretty excited (Aleena/Topher, let me know if there is anything I can do to help).
22. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself?
I would have told myself about Spence the first day of high school. We didn't become really good friends until our Senior year and now I wish that we had known eachother starting from day one of our Sophomore year.
Who wants to share now? How about Ginnie, Jackie, Merilee, Krista, Jessica, Whitney, Natalie, Katherine, Ange, Mindy and anyone else who wants to share.